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2018 Africa Botswana Safari

Okavango Delta – the natural spectacle in Botswana

6. February 2019

A small airport. That was our entry into the Okavango Delta. We decided to make a flight over the delta to observe animals and landscapes from above. We were…

2018 Africa Waterfalls Zimbabwe

Victoria Waterfalls – Action in beautiful nature

8. January 2019

It is the must-see in Africa: The Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe. The journey from Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, was long and we noticed immediately upon arrival…

2018 Africa Safari Zambia

South Luangwa – Animals wherever you look

12. December 2018

Zambia is a country whose name you have already heard – finding it on the world map is more difficult and even more complicated is telling something about the…

2018 Africa Safari Tanzania

Ngorogoro crater – the unexpected green

21. November 2018

Already on the way to the Serengeti, we passed a vantage point where the tourists gathered. The reason: From here, one can look over a huge crater covered with…

2018 Africa Safari Tanzania

Tanzania – in the vastness of the Serengeti

13. November 2018

From Nairobi we took the bus to Arusha. The city is well situated to explore the nearby Serengeti and Ngorogoro National Parks. It was dry season and green trees…

2013 Africa Cities Morocco

Fez – a journey back in time

19. September 2018

Our time in Morocco came to an end, but one highlight was still waiting – with Fez we entered the secret Moroccan capital of education, religion…